If you have IRS debt, you need to make a plan to repay that debt as soon as possible to avoid repercussions from the IRS. If you don’t take care of your back taxes, the IRS may put liens against your property, seize assets, garnish your wages, or even send you to jail for tax evasion.
However, you can avoid or minimize these consequences, along with mounting interest and penalties, when you establish a tax resolution plan. Even if you are already facing any of these consequences, establishing a tax resolution plan can help overturn them.
At The Acct & Tax Co, we can help you establish a tax resolution plan that will satisfy the IRS without leaving you with overwhelming payments to make every month. We’ll also help you to keep up with your taxes moving forward.
Of course, tax debt doesn’t just happen at the federal level. If you owe state taxes, our team is also prepared to help you make it right. No matter the nature or scale of your tax debt, our Enrolled Agents will be happy to help you resolve the problem.